Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Family's Farm

This tractor says there is no such thing as "Speed Limits" on the farm. I Love driving this Vehicle.

Aisle of Almond trees basically all of the almonds are hand picked. Machinery are expensive to afford right now.

This here is the Green House. This gets everyone attention when they come and tour around the place they would say that it is the longest Green House they ever been in. In the green house are varies Asian spices from peppers to herbs. Lime Leaf, Basil, Peppermint, and etc.. In front of the green house are grown strawberries they are being cover in special cloth during very hot days.

This is a small outside welding office i call it the "junk yard" although the machinery are aligned behind the "junk". Also you can see the satellite dish in the left hand corner thats how you keep yourself from boredom.

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