Sunday, May 18, 2008

In Summer's Heat

Cooling Off The Heat Wave: Picnic, Swimming, and Basketball

Alyssa Tay riding her bicycle around and around the picnic table
"Hey! can you play house with me?" she asked.
"You be the mommy and i'll be the sister. Just stay and watch me ride my bike!" she said to me.

Prodigy of Basketball
This is Ermac he loves basketball like his mom and he is 2 yrs old and understand the game of basketball from dribbling to aim the ball at the hoop instead its aiming for the sky at his height.

Alyssa again catching the ball as it crosses her path way.

Austin and his friends playing basketball

Swimming and Cooling off the Heat
Ermac gives Avonlea a kiss on the cheek.

Ira watches everyone swimming while he is on the pool sideline with the two floaty pipes in his hands.

Malachi goes under the slide for some shade.

Ermac enjoying the splash moment with his mother.

Chris jumps off the diving board.

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