Sunday, May 18, 2008

Test Photoshoot : With a volunteer model

Brianna Lovelyday (aka: Brisonics)

Working with Brianna was really fun. I can say that she is a amateur in modeling. She has lots of interest in art and she remind of a free spirited person. While in art she feels passionate in doing a fantasy and real still life drawings and paintings. Also she is also a artists in photography as well. in some of the photo shot I did wanted to give her a soft touch to her style while it's kind of like a pin up girl style with the halter top and the dye red pig tail hairstyle. She has good facial expression that says "fierce" and also a soft dreamy kind posture as well.

In Summer's Heat

Cooling Off The Heat Wave: Picnic, Swimming, and Basketball

Alyssa Tay riding her bicycle around and around the picnic table
"Hey! can you play house with me?" she asked.
"You be the mommy and i'll be the sister. Just stay and watch me ride my bike!" she said to me.

Prodigy of Basketball
This is Ermac he loves basketball like his mom and he is 2 yrs old and understand the game of basketball from dribbling to aim the ball at the hoop instead its aiming for the sky at his height.

Alyssa again catching the ball as it crosses her path way.

Austin and his friends playing basketball

Swimming and Cooling off the Heat
Ermac gives Avonlea a kiss on the cheek.

Ira watches everyone swimming while he is on the pool sideline with the two floaty pipes in his hands.

Malachi goes under the slide for some shade.

Ermac enjoying the splash moment with his mother.

Chris jumps off the diving board.

During my HOT Summer day

This is the HOT summer night sky

Crossing the bridge I decided to take this view of the Toulumne River and the railroad bridge.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Exotic Dessert : Thai Coconut Jello

Exotic Dessert : Thai Coconut Jello
This is the coconut jello I purchased at the Vietnamese sandwich shop community called Saigon Sandwhich. This was the sample I bought from the store owner she sales 3 piece in the tray wrap nicely for $1.50. I think it was a pretty good deal. On top of that there are round shape ones in cake size and those are 12inches to 16 inches and it is $15 to $25. It has a beautiful attraction and taste very good. It is a exotic dessert because it has decor in color, shape and attractions. Also coconut has given this jello a exotic taste like you just step into the cool air part of paradise. Maybe I should have one of these jello for my Birthday cake this summer! I think that food are great and also it is art when it comes to cooking Thai food for me. I love the challenge of fusing up spices or recipe. Also the best part is decorating the plates with food. I love hosting dinner parties.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Meeting the Musicians

Kid Guitar Looking for a "Blondie" Van

Pianists perform at the mall.

I enjoy running into events and unexpectedly take pictures. Everywhere I go I have my camera with me. Here I have two different people passionately love music and finds way to perform. first one is the "Kid Guitar" (i don't have the picture of the man but here is his van.) He has some picture frame of pin up girls for sale starting from $15. This man plays on the corner of the sidewalk of Plaza Parkway and Prescott. However this man seems to be obsessed finding the "perfect blonde" as you can take a close look up at the car. There are newspaper and notes display looking for a typical "Blonde." Of course I see this guy sometimes while I tend to take a short cut to the mall. The second is this young fellow who is a pianists and he is actually supporting the Hendrickson Music center in Turnlock. He is a good pianists and plays really great music pieces. Also he has some display CD's for sale starting at $15 as well.

Directions?! Please....

In Hughson here is a photograph of a farm and new built houses divided.

" Just go straight...."

I would always give that kind of direction if your lost while your driving the car. (Don't ever listen to me when ask for direction)

Today, was a adventurous day. Even though my friend couldn't find the towing truck somewhere in Ceres. Instead of finding the place we actually hit it off to Hughson city limit. I could tell you that it was one of my hilarious moment ever. It felt like i was on a crossroad trip again. My friend was suppose to find the towing place where she was suppose to look for her car. However, she did gave me the address to google it up and i wrote the direction down. Although, she had told me she knew where it was. SO MUCH OF COMMON SENSE! I should have taken the direction anyhow. It wasn't like a frustrating moment for the both of us though we just laugh it off because it was common sense. But this photograph I took was a really great scenery. I hear people talk about farms disappearing from houses being built on some of the bought out land and it just basically war going on between Farmers Produce industry and the Living society industry.

Active Day Hanging Out

This is my Vietnamese/Cambodian friend she's a very funny person with a lot of spirits in her . I took this photograph of her climbing a tall tree at Needham park. It was out of the blues that we decide to feel childlike and slide on all the slides and swing on the swings. It was fun and kids were actually attracted to what we were doing so they decide to try all the things we did on the park play ground.

This is a Photograph of a cherry up close that I took. On the same day my friend and I picked cherries at my house. We were talking about doing lots of our own farming labor work. How fun and incredible it would be to spend lots of hours working on the farm.

upclose picture of my friend picking cherries.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Travel Perspective in Black & White

Aztec performance in Downtown Santa Cruz on St. Patrick's day 2007

In the valley blossom plum tree.

Wind Mills in the hills while heading to the Bay area.

Monday, May 5, 2008

In the city Modesto

At the Vintage Fair Mall the vine trails and twine beautifully on the brick wall.

Carved vine on the bench inside the McHenry Mansion garden.

The only tallest tower in the small city and center in downtown of Modesto is the Double Tree Hotel.

Night shot of the McHenry Museum Once a Library back in the 1800's.

Night shot of the Modesto Arch (9th & I streets) - Built in 1912. The arch is popular for what it displays, which is the city motto: MODESTO (Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health).

This is a statue of an American Indian in a greeting posture in front of the courthouse.

Modesto Pioneer Cemetery on Scenic Dr. in Modesto, California