Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Storytelling Through Photography: My Life Behind The Lens

"Storytelling Through Photography: My Life Behind The Lens"
In photography it's my sense to adventure, curiosity and desire for challenge. I am passionate in grasping detail to show what is my obsession with energy and relatable moments. i prefer to be the one behind the lens. I like emotional engagement images and really define it as what i have that is all memories for keep. I am a bit shy when it comes to photographing but over the years i had stray away from the cove and shifted my structure in photography. As you can see i try to write in " words" detailing my photographs. i have mentor that really wants to hear or read about what really my images are always about. So now i am going to write on my blog as much as i can rather than being so skilled at posting and photographing. Thanks to the professional i work with i love to hear more critique because i am always trying to get my work perfected as well....

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hockey: My new interests in sports

(SORRY!!! as I promise I would share the photos with you on my blogs....I Now FINALLY posted up. I hope you enjoy the story and photograph I have taken as a witness living here. Thanks for being patient, a good listener, greatest fan of my life: my inspiration so captivating that still taken me a far to take them risk and dare to devil them challenges. You know who you are.....)

In the La Jolla UTC mall is an interesting place. I was so amazed that in the food court area they have a skating rink. So how i came across the hockey game? well, it's a pretty funny story... anyway there was this back trail that leads my friends and I back to the apartments and it was so dark... so we walked half way and I saw something ran across my path and I was so scared that I jumped and ran back the opposite direction (everyone else followed as well...). And back into the mall but instead it was downstair near the locker room and up close to the ice skating rink. I happen to cheer for a team (even i don't know them...hehehe) also I happen to have my camera; so I decided to take pictures. Man some of the guys were so aggressive....

San Diego: A Place I Now Call Home

This is me on the hiking hills in Mirmar (near the Qualcomm corporate) of San Diego,CA near the tennis courts of the back veiw of the condo near the air force training base. I have to say that I find my peace hiking alone that day on the trail I feel like I have myself together and it's feeling that I get when I do active things like: going to the beach, hiking, playing tennis, football, tennis and etc.... Also I learn something from someone. He told me that if you have any self-doubt in playing sports or even doing anything by putting effort in your creativity or even work. Your muscle tension gets more tense and you will feel the intense of chaos. Because I am a perfectionist I get frustrated sometimes when I make a mistake and those are the simplest mistake I can make all the time. Which I get angry and I get in a self-disciplinary mode. And that I learn while playing tennis; i can also used his advice when it comes to working in a very competitive fashion industry.

This is my sister Amy and friend Ericsson. They were practicing tennis technique and decide to pose as professional athlete for me. My sister here was learning how to play tennis. (She's very good for beginner's)

Here I was just testing out my new fish eye lens I got from japan. It is a 82 mm High Resolutinon Pro Digital lens with Macro crystal titanium.
A photo i took after we ran away from a very scary hiking trail at night and ran into an hockey game at the UTC mall in La Jolla of San Diego, CA.